Join Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck here at #ChristianStraightTalk, where they embark on an enlightening journey through Christianity's path and uncover the profound wisdom of following Jesus Christ, as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Get ready for candid and hard hitting conversations that bring faith to life."
262 episodes
Equipped for Purpose - Part 2 (#CST -162)
In this powerful episode of Christian Straight Talk, co-hosts Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck dive into the heart of what it means to be Equipped for Purpose. Drawing on biblical truths and personal experiences, they unpack how...

Equipped for purpose, Part 1 (#CST - 161)
In this powerful episode of Christian Straight Talk, co-hosts Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck dive into the heart of what it means to be Equipped for Purpose. Drawing on biblical truths and personal experiences, they unpack how...

#CST - "Hope for the Broken" - (#CST49)
Thank you for joining Simon Pinchbeck and myself, Reverend Ben Cooper, on our podcast today, titled "Hope for the Broken" as we explore in the Gospel of Mark chapter 5 verse 1:20. There is hope for the broken, finding out through the scri...
Season 4
Episode 20

#CST - When the chips are down, will you stand up? - (#CST75)
As you join Simon and Ben for this podcast, as we are in the book of Daniel chapter 3, v19 to 30, when the king Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for not vowing the knee to the statue. He had created, are we at the ...

#CST - The World - (#CST56)
Thank you so much for joining Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck. As we have a conversation within the book of 1 John chapter 2 verse 15:17, where Jesus said, "do not love the World or anything in the World" and what are the implicat...
Season 5
Episode 3

#CST - Forgiveness - (#CST55)
We are blessed that you are listening to our podcast today here at #Christian Straight Talk with Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck as we look at that difficult word "Forgiveness" and what the Scriptures require us to do as believers as we...
Season 5
Episode 2

#CST - What does Jesus mean to you ? - (#CST46)
We are blessed to have you join us for our weekly podcast. #Christian Straight Talk has Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper continue in the series. "What does Jesus mean to you" as they explore the New Testament, diving into the...
Season 4
Episode 17

#CST - That’s the way God fights our battles - Part 2 - (#CST160)
In part two of this podcast, Ben and Simon drill deeper into the question do we let God into our battles or do we put the gloves on and jump in the Ring and try to deal with it in our own way, Take the gloves off walk by faith stretch out to th...

#CST - That’s the way God fights our battles - Part 1 - (#CST159)
This is it we’re in the arena standing face-to-face, do we allow God to fight our battles or do we let the flesh deal with what God should be dealing with? Thank you for joining us in this part? One of this podcast with Simon and Ben as they dr...

#CST - Hell - (#CST20)
Thank you for joining us here at #Christian Straight Talk - thank you for joining myself Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck as you join us for a podcast today and the title is "Hell".
Season 3
Episode 14

#CST - Nicodemus Pt 2 (#CST40)
Join us this week here at #Christian Straight Talk with Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper for part 2 of the two part series called - Who is Nicodemus ? - As they are in the gospel of John Chapter 3, from verse one down to the end of verse...
Season 4
Episode 11

#CST - Nicodemus Pt 1 (#CST39)
Join us this week here at #Christian Straight Talk with Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper for a two part series called - Who is Nicodemus ? - As they are in the gospel of John Chapter 3, from verse one down to the end of verse 11, they di...
Season 4
Episode 10

#CST - Courage Is Contagious - Part 2 - (#CST158)
Ben and Simon push the boundaries in part two of this podcast have we got the courage to jump in the arena? How we got the courage to stand up for Jesus, we are in the last days we is the Church within the UK. Is it standing for Israel or is it...

#CST - Courage Is Contagious - Part 1 - (#CST157)
Simon and Ben kick the barn doors open today with the power of the holy spirit , what is happening around the world , we are watching scripture come alive, Have we got the carriage to stand up for Jesus Christ in our workplace in our relationsh...

#CST - Different Spirits in our Churches (#CST7)
Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the Mics for a general discussion, #Christian Straight Talk, straight out of the barrel of truth.This weeks discussion is Different Spirits in our Churches.Listen on Apple Music...
Season 2
Episode 11

#CST - Authority (#CST4)
Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the Mics for a general discussion, #Christian Straight Talk, straight out of the barrel of truth.This weeks discussion is Authority.Listen on Apple Music, Amazon Music, I Heart ...
Season 2
Episode 8

#CST - Who Is Lord Of Your Life - Part 2 - (#CST156)
Ben and Simon look at something very different in part two are we truly disciples of Jesus Christ and then that all opens the question? Are we really born again? We are living in very powerful days. Jesus Christ is coming back for his Church th...

#CST - Who Is Lord Of Your Life - Part 1 - (#CST155)
Simon and Ben straight in no mess about are we 50-50 or are we completely in to Jesus? Are we real disciples of Jesus Christ or are we just literally robots that go to church?Biblical reference - Luke c14 v 25-33

#CST - Total surrender to Jesus - (#CST44)
We thank you so much for joining us, Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper, for today's title of the Podcast and live stream broadcast to #CST Twitter feed, "Total surrender to Jesus" and trying to understand what total surrender means to Jes...
Season 4
Episode 15

#CST - The Proper Gospel (#CST6)
Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the Mics for a general discussion, #Christian Straight Talk, straight out of the barrel of truth.This weeks discussion is The proper Gospel - Matthew Chapter 7 Verse 15.Listen on A...
Season 2
Episode 10

#CST - Radical Faith taken from the Gospel of Matthew - (#CST10)
Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the Mics for a general discussion, #Christian Straight Talk, straight out of the barrel of truth.This weeks discussion is Radical Faith taken from the Gospel of Matthew - chapter 17 verse 2...
Season 2
Episode 14

#CST - Peace - (#CST19)
Thank you for joining us here at #Christian Straight Talk - The Title of todays podcast is peace. Thank you for listening as we discuss John chapter 14 verse 27 when Jesus says "peace, I leave you and the pease I give you, as Simon and Be...
Season 3
Episode 13

#CST - Power of prayer - (#CST68)
Simon and Ben are in conversation regarding prayer, we thank you for listening to #CST the scripture reference is Matthew c6, v 9 -14 the power of the Lord’s prayer. How powerful and life transforming is this prayer that Jesus Christ has given ...
Season 5
Episode 16

#CST - Maoz Israel Update with Brian - #Maoz25
Great conversation with Reverend Brian Greenaway as we look at so many things that are happening within Israel, deep conversation regarding the war, terrorist, the Rafah crossing, also covering so much more, speaking about the Iranian leader th...

#Christian Straight Talk - Identity - Who am I in Christ ? (#CST3)
Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the Mics for a general discussion, #Christian Straight Talk, straight out of the barrel of truth.This weeks discussion is Identity - Who am I in Christ?Listen on Apple Music, Amazo...
Season 2
Episode 7