Join Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck here at #ChristianStraightTalk, where they embark on an enlightening journey through Christianity's path and uncover the profound wisdom of following Jesus Christ, as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Get ready for candid and hard hitting conversations that bring faith to life."
#CST - When the chips are down, will you stand up? - (#CST75)
Simon & Ben
As you join Simon and Ben for this podcast, as we are in the book of Daniel chapter 3, v19 to 30, when the king Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for not vowing the knee to the statue. He had created, are we at the point within the world, where we need to stand up for Jesus Christ and the God of Israel, we cannot afford to balcony to any foreign gods.
Biblical reference - Daniel c3 v19-30