Join Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck here at #ChristianStraightTalk, where they embark on an enlightening journey through Christianity's path and uncover the profound wisdom of following Jesus Christ, as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Get ready for candid and hard hitting conversations that bring faith to life."
#CST - Courage Is Contagious - Part 2 - (#CST158)
Ben and Simon push the boundaries in part two of this podcast have we got the courage to jump in the arena? How we got the courage to stand up for Jesus, we are in the last days we is the Church within the UK. Is it standing for Israel or is it duck in its head in the sand? The church is in the lions den, ask God to remove us from the religious wheels of the church and seal us in the Holy Spirit, let’s be like David strengthen ourselves in the Lord, let’s be men and women of courage to stand up for the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Arena of life.
Biblical reference - 2 Chronicles V16 V9