Join Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck here at #ChristianStraightTalk, where they embark on an enlightening journey through Christianity's path and uncover the profound wisdom of following Jesus Christ, as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Get ready for candid and hard hitting conversations that bring faith to life."
#CST - Nicodemus Pt 2 (#CST40)
Join us this week here at #Christian Straight Talk with Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper for part 2 of the two part series called - Who is Nicodemus ? - As they are in the gospel of John Chapter 3, from verse one down to the end of verse 11, they discuss Nicodemus, going to Jesus by night, the authority of Jesus, Nicodemus being the teacher of Isral and when Jesus says you must be born again, also looking into John 3:16 fro God so loved the world and understanding the authority that Christ walks in.