
#Christian Straight Talk - Courage - To be Patient (#7 Courage)

August 24, 2024 Simon Pinchbeck \ Reverend Ben Cooper Season 2 Episode 7

Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the mics to talk about the 7th part in the series of Courage and this week they talk about the Courage to be Patient.

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, good morning world we're in wherever you are today. Welcome to # Christian straight talk you're joining myself Reverend Ben Cooper with Simon Pinchbeck. As we record this podcast, we thank you so much for everything. The shares, the likes everything to do with the podcasting that we're doing here. Welcome, welcome. It's good to be in the Lord's house. We're in this little tiny shed. We're in a little tiny shed. The scaffolders are outside, it's quite quiet, today actually listen. It's quiet outside.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, it's very strange men. It's quiet. It's quiet. But it's great to be back here. We're in #Christian, straight talk. And don't forget, the first book of men's talk is on out there on Amazon guys price of a couple of cappuccinos. And already we're working on with

Reverend Ben Cooper:

someone. Whoops.

Simon Pinchbeck:

one. Already, but already been the second one's getting pushed over as we speak in it. And the second one's on fear.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yes, yeah. It's our fear. You know, it's right down to the core, right down to the nitty and the gritty, straight out the barrel of truth, because that's what we're about. And we really believe, you know, we really believe God has stripped us back over the years to God has enabled us and God has taken us for many valleys, individually and together. And God is stripping us back even more. And I feel really strong about this this morning. I've just got to mention this before we dive in to the subject that we're on, that I've got to humble myself continually just keep coming before him saying Lord, thank You for salvation. Thank you for grace. Thank You for Your Mercy. Thank you for your you are revealing yourself to me. Because sometimes, and we can feel unworthy, can't we?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Oh, yeah, definitely. And, you know, it's what we've spoken about many times, Ben, it's, it's our own garden that give 70 of your life. You know, it's it's laying down before the Lord and saying, you know, I'm not worthy, you know, but not my will. But your will be done. And yeah, when we continually saying that, and when we continually say I was just speaking about the other day, Ben, you know, and to a group of people. When we're continually doing that, then everything we do, yeah. As it says in Corinthians, everything we do, I believe, is for the glory of God.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Everything is for the glory. You've said a word there, God, God's glory, because not for us, not for us as leaders, not for us as individuals. God will not share His glory of anyone, as the scripture says, but as we are living in the times that we're in, and we're doing what we do together, and the writing and all these podcasts and as and we get to be with each other and grow together as two brothers in Christ. Sometimes there comes a point in your life. And when you say to each other, you know what, I don't feel worthy, but by His grace and His mercy, and His goodness and His love, because He takes you on a journey today. We don't take him He takes us.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And there's there's a kicker, you That's the deal. That's the one it's not it's not me, us, Jesus, it's Jesus's and using us. And the thing is, the more the deeper and the closer you get. And to be honest with you, Ben, you're exactly right. Because these podcasts have taken me to a deeper place with my faith. I was saying that to a friend of mine the other day, a deeper place of my faith, whereby I can have a more meaningful relationship with my wife, all other areas of my life.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there's a stripping back there's a healing process, the

Simon Pinchbeck:

closer you get. This is strange, because it's an upside down kingdom. But the closer you get to God, the further away you know you are to

Reverend Ben Cooper:

sign. Simon That's exactly right. You know that? When I say the chasm, the chasm gets wider, but Christ is the bridge builder. He he comes that the scripture says that God came down 14 generations the book of Matthew very clearly in the Synoptic Gospels, it says, Christ came down 14 generations of Christ comes to us where we are, but as Simon is saying, is when we want more of him and our heart is hungry for him, and we just are so hungry for more of Christ and, and he opens up that vow when we see a little bit more and he takes us deeper, our flesh gets further away. But But Christ comes to us and we say, Lord, I'm not worthy, but by grace, by sanctification by by all that stuff, he brings us to him, and he presents himself to us.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And that's an amazing revelation, Ben, and the thing is, as we were saying, just in the preamble that people take grace for granted, but it's got a undeserved favor and when you get Bowser, and when you realize the, you know, the favor because we're righteous, you know, without, without the Lord, you know, God can't even look at us really without Jesus. So. So the closer we get to, the more we see what we used to be doing in the thing, yeah, is further away. And so even the smaller things now, which we would do every day, and now becoming, which

Reverend Ben Cooper:

they get, they're getting more and more distance apart. So the physical me is further away, but the enemy is closer to Christ. So there's that there's a battle is a battle between the physical me and the me that's hungry for God that the poll that the scripture writes about. So clearly. So that is what we're looking at tonight about being patient.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, it's teeters right into what you were saying, because, you know, if we, yeah, we're talking about being patient, the courage really to be patient. And it does take courage to be patient. Now, if you look at the dictionary definition of patients, it says, the capacity to accept or tolerate delay problems or stuff, or sorry, all suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. So that's the capacity to accept or tolerate delay problems or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's an interesting definition now, well, I straightaway go to the position of being a leader, right? So when God drops a vision, and God drops a revelation, of what of what are how he is going to use you. So you have to be patient in what is around you, even though God has called you. And so to learn patience in your calling, I find it's the hardest thing to do. So God has revealed you know, you've got a calling on your life, you're called into whatever area that may be, and you're hungry for it. You've got to be patient as the Scriptures be still know that I'm God. God has dropped it into you, but it takes everything it takes courage not to run out of the gate to run ahead, and that's my, my biggest failing. I am always ahead of Jesus. I wake up in the morning and I hear the angel go is up again. Lord, how we're gonna work. We're gonna barely get out in back today, Lord, He's done his trainers at six o'clock in the morning. He's gone. He's like a racehorse on steroids. Help us

Simon Pinchbeck:

you're on the you're in the trap. And you really got to see that I'm dribbling your hairs going around, I'm gone, you're gone.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm out the bed. 100 mile an hour in the morning trainers on the mat. The house fires gone. You know, so I do not have patience. I said this to sound earlier. I have patience with people. I, I have all that. But what I struggle with is patience, waiting for me to get to the next area of what God's calling me to do, because it's interesting. I'm a little kid. I'm like, oh, yeah, Lord, I'm off. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. But,

Simon Pinchbeck:

you know, we won't gonna go into some scriptures. But one scripture that mainly comes to mind is Isaiah 49. Two and it says this, he said, and he has made my mouth like a sharp sword in the shadow whose hand he has hidden me. And he made me a Polish shaft in his quiver, he has hidden me. So basically what it's saying, yeah, he's preparing you, but he's holding you back, you know, is an arrow in the quiver in his quiver until he's ready to

Reverend Ben Cooper:

i've fired myself. ive gone

Simon Pinchbeck:

shoved into the boat, you're flung yourself off, and the Lord's gone. Oh, where's he gone? What's he doing?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What's he doing? Hi, Ben, hold your horses

Simon Pinchbeck:

house is and you know that the more serious finger we have a laugh and a joke, which is great. But the more serious thing is, you can't really go wrong

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I've made more mistakes

Simon Pinchbeck:

You can't even wait for me to finish

Reverend Ben Cooper:

This, you know, I feel this is pushing the leadership boundaries at the minute, you know, leaders listening to all this. I must say thank you to the 1000s of downloads that we've added these podcasts. Absolutely fantastic. But as a leader, patients have very difficult of five and that's that's the biggest fight that I have is that yes, God drops the seed. And straightaway I want that seat to be that. That oak. I'm not prepared to wait for it to be watered to go through the season. I expect it now. That's a character flaw. And I've struggled with that. I know I laugh and I joke about that. But it upsets me because I say, Lord, why can't I get peace in this?

Simon Pinchbeck:

I don't think you're alone. I really don't think you're alone. I think, you know, especially in today's society, we do want everything now. I don't know, you know, but I guess your character is a little bit more than today's society. It's in inherent in you is, yeah. You know, you you want it

Reverend Ben Cooper:

now. Now, now, Lord, is tight. So this subject this is that this is not fair. Lord, Lord, if you're listening, this is not fair. Because this is hitting me hard today. Jesus.

Simon Pinchbeck:

You know, Ben, timing is essential in every area of life. And timing is really essential.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm getting beaten with a stick on this one. Right? Patience and timing. Go together perfectly, didn't they? Yeah, if I'm not patient, I mess up the timing. If I'm patient, the timing is perfect. But then it comes down to being obedient is not because I'm disobedient. It's not because I don't believe it. It's because I am the most impatient leader, person on the earth.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, let me ask you this. And I know the answer, but I'll ask it. straight off the bat. Do you believe that the Bible is a sovereign Word of God?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Without any shadow of any doubt, I'm stumbling for a word because I can't. It is from tennis system. There's no way in the world that it is that it has any error. It is out of kilter. It is. Absolutely.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Let me tie it to Psalm 2714, which says, wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say on the Lord. Wait, wait on the Lord. Now, if we go then to Psalm 37, seven, it says this. Yeah, rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. But yeah, as you speak the rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. cease from anger, and forsake wrath Do not fret, it already causes home, rest in the Lord on wait patiently for Him.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah, man, it's critical. It's through the word of God. It's critical that I, and I'll just say I, as that that leader don't like put that don't use this normally. But as we're in this context of this podcast, as a leader, it's not because I'm, well, yeah, I'm disobedient. Because I'm galloping. Yeah, well, it's a difficult one to see the land, isn't it? Because I'm so encouraged by God, I'm so hungry. I'm so thirsty. I just literally drink this word up every day. The word is everything to me from Genesis to Revelation. And it when I say it, energizes, I don't like to use the word energy or anything like that, because that is taken out into other oven air, other areas are manipulated, but it is fuel. If I use that terminology, God's word is fuel. And when you are fired with God's word, and you are seeing things in a nation and a government, and in certain denominations are not right, and you're hungry, and you think, come on, come on. So and also I am a driven person, not because I am, you know, all the stuff, I just, I believe it's God's Word that actually drives me. But because it drives me, it causes me to travel as in, I've got to learn to be patient, not because of alone. It's me

Simon Pinchbeck:

and God's looking at your pennies soon. I love baking I love I love because he knows what he's what you created you He knows your foods. YaSM but he's just he's just looking around to a saint, that enthusiasm, then we're gonna channel it, we're gonna put it in the right direction, you know, but right now you're, you're under miles an hour. Maybe it's dangerous. You know, and you know, when Good ideas are not always got ideas.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there's, there's the key. Is it my idea? Or is it God's plan? Is it my anticipation, or is it Jeremiah 29?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, let me ask you this, but how do you make God laugh?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I wake up every morning. You tell him your plan. I tell him your plans, Lord, this is what we are going to do today, Jesus, and you hear that? You hear the heavens laughing and Jacqueline.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Ben. The thing is, he protects us. And when he says no, he does. It's not rejection. It's protection here. So when he says No, Ben, not now. Now, or no knock down that road is protecting you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. And I actually sense that I actually I actually know that. So I am learning as time goes by I am learning to, to wait on the Lord to be patient to be still not to lean in my own understandings. But in all my ways acknowledge him. Yeah, it's not because I don't believe

Simon Pinchbeck:

trust sets trust if, if you haven't got if you don't have patience, you don't have trust. Do you know? And we do have an enemy that knows us? Yeah, an enemy that will light traps for you. Yeah, because somebody's gonna look bright and shiny over there. And you're off. I'm off. And we've said it many times on these podcasts, God's looking to go and we don't ever there been,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we have been in like the prophet in the Old Testament. I ran off. And God said, What are you doing now in that clip that

Simon Pinchbeck:

are on your workload?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

What why we're going I want you to come back. Come back the way you when you're coming back the way you win, as the Prophet was told, God didn't say, continue forward. I want you to come back the way you went. Because you've got to learn to wait for me timing and patience. Rest. And waiting is critical for a leader, a leader.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Do you know Ben I do a loose you know, I don't do so much running or jogging really these days. But I remember one time I was doing a bit of jogging, and it was a guy behind for catching this fellow up, Jim. This is incredible. You know, big lump and I'm catching this bloke up. So put my head down. Put the afterburners off. I'm gonna take the tape. Show you sir. Yeah, yeah, that's what I thought. And off. I went. And I went by looked at him smile a little. Yeah. Yeah. raced off. I looked around. I was off a mile from where I should have been gone the wrong way.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's very prophetic. That is a tip that that is me. I've gone I've missed me turning. That is critical, isn't it? See if

Simon Pinchbeck:

you don't go? Or not? If you haven't got the courage to be patient, and don't wait for God, just timing because timing, it will never end the way you intend been? No, it will never. You know.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

There's always repairing God is always drawing us back. holding us. And that is the glory of the Father, that he doesn't look at me and go are my days he looks at me in, you know, under fingers without going into that's another that's another podcast on its own, but, but he knows me, he loves me. But through my my flaw, my character flaw of being an impatient person. He's training me and he's alerted that to me. So I'm aware of it. But to be stripped back of it, and to learn obedience and patience is very difficult. May I say?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, no. And you're 100% right. But you know, when you you realize that we have the Holy Spirit, who's the biggest life color greatest life coach you will ever Adam in your life. The thing is, if you listen to the Holy Spirit, take time to listen to him. Give him time, which which probably means spend more time alone with the Lord as right. You listen to that, then the Holy Spirit will show you the short cut, you know, yeah, it's probably the long wait. Yeah, but it's the shortest route because you're not going to get hurt all of a sudden, yeah. And you're not going to let other people get hurt. Because if you're off doing this certainly go. And it ain't the way God wants it to be.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there's a lot in being patient with God in ministry, there's a lot to be impatient in God when in just generally being a believer, whether you're a man or a woman, or just as a human being. Patience, is the fruit of the Spirit, you know, you installations. 522 To 23 says, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control, against such things, there is no law. So if if we was to fro open that umbrella of Galatians, 522 and 23. If I keep in, in that framework, in God's structure in the word, I've got everything that I need everything, but being impatient is feeding the flesh as well. So that is a very important thing to understand. Because it could feed egos, it could feed oneself, thought pattern, it could say to oneself, oh, look what I have done. Look what I have achieved.

Simon Pinchbeck:

If you just look a little bit further ahead. A BIT bit behind in that Galatians it works out what it tells you or tells you what what are the the pitfalls of the flesh, you know, which are, you know, which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness. Now what you're talking about is idolatry, which is in here because you've used the sack for anything before God. No, put yourself before God. You make yourself an idol on Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I'm like, Yeah, I'm trying to put myself above and beyond what God has called me to be

Simon Pinchbeck:

outbursts of wrath. So vision, so selfish ambitions. It even mentions that in their

Reverend Ben Cooper:

selfish ambitions, why am I in ministry? Is it for people to go? Oh, look at that.

Simon Pinchbeck:

It was a signpost point and is it point? To God, me? Or is it pointing to?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That was the king looking because God says I will not share my glory with no man. But if someone has a good skill set in business, if someone as a someone is an educator, you can actually build a church. But you're not building the Bride of Christ. What do you know? Yeah, you can build ministry with it with someone with you, that's got an open checkbook, you can do anything.

Simon Pinchbeck:

What do you hear it all the time? And people go? How are you building your profile? Here? You know, I should wear fake, you know, social media. Looks like a little light as it going of you. You know, what's your platforms like? You know, how many people you got following you all that sort of stuff, people in your church nonsense,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you're not just absolutely rubbish. It's like, we got to skip outside this churchc, as we're all aware of. And there's so much rubbish in it. But in many denominations, I'll probably get a bit of a poke for this. The denominations or some denominations are like, skips at the moment. They've got all rubbish in it

Simon Pinchbeck:

worldly rubbish, worldly rubbish. You know, they've been in the world to win the world. Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it's a business model. It's, it's, it's about man, but, but the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God. And that's what I want to be in, I don't want to be in a religious order, I don't want to be in a in a religious area, I want to I want to be. And I want to know that I do know, above all, that I am a child of the living God. But, but God is stripping me back, God is stripping me back. And Simon knows that. I have had a clear word from God. Now when you when you hear people say these sort of things, I know we can switch off because I switch off. And I had a clear guidance. And I had a clear, clear, clear word. And I've only had only ever read three in my entire life. They're not long words, they're not you know, I weren't, didn't wake up one morning. And suddenly I'm sitting on the right hand of God, then of all that, like a lot of profits, and they are doing at the moment of their breakfast upstairs. But either clear presence of the Holy Spirit. And I had a clear word in my innermost being, that spoke to me very clearly that I have to exit certain things over the window of 12 months, okay, and I've done two already. So, because so when we talk about patience, we can enter into ministries, and we can enter into organizations that are labeled as ministries that are not really for God. And when you enter, enter their ministries and you enter in enter them organizations, the leadership, I'm stepping out a bit, I'm going to get a bit of trouble, the leadership might not have God on their agenda. So if I partner with that ministry, or that denomination, or that I become spiritually Kinta that and what their plan may be, may not be the plan that God has for that ministry. So that will affect me spiritually.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I'll tell you now, Ben, God's not looking for big ministries now. No, it's not about looking for those mega ministries, not looking for people to build ministries. And the thing is, these leaders do have God on their agenda, but it's to use God for their own agenda. Do you know

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that I would actually go a bit further and say not the God of Israel? Because there are foreign gods in many ministries? There are there there is so much paganism is this new world order that is out there? Yeah, that's very true. Save the planet and so many churches so many denominations are getting caught in this political spiritual drive

Simon Pinchbeck:

we can do a podcast and it will take us down are we not? We Yeah, you know my firm belief is that we you know that we are worshipping the planet at this moment in so we are lifting the planet and and we're talking about save the planet. Save yourself really don't think

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that's right so forgein Gods if foreign gods it's really interesting. I'm

Simon Pinchbeck:

not we're not talking about the creator the planet that's the thing. So, so patients ben coming out

Reverend Ben Cooper:

with everything we're

Simon Pinchbeck:

talking about. If you look at those gifts of the Spirit, then you can't have any of the other gifts about patients

Reverend Ben Cooper:

know that you want. We got we got love joy, peace, kindness, goodness, self control, self control.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I can't have any of that without

Reverend Ben Cooper:

without their ration or patient. Yeah, depending on what translation you're reading this morning. I'm in the NIV.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Because you you have to have patience to to love someone, if you if you haven't got patients, the little things that they do that they will annoy you that are actually irritants? Yeah, it's a little things I do. If you haven't got self comm if you haven't got patient, you've got no self control. That's right. Yeah. So if you haven't got patience, you've got no gentleness because you're going to get quickly toyed anxious. And as he said, he annoyed or anxious in the definition of people. But patience brings brings all of that stuff down. And yeah, I would, I would say to anybody out there that this is speaking to many people, I know that I would say that if you've get a chance to practice patience, how you can practice patients in your everyday life. By just standing in a queue for a coffee at by just you can pick the biggest queue in the in this in the supermarket and just stand there and just just wait, just wait just be patient traffic traffic, what

Reverend Ben Cooper:

a classic example stuck on the car park or the M 25. Trying to get through the tunnel thinking the clock is ticking.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I see this morning, Ben he's drunk, driving, driving, people undertaking people overtaking people in in in an hour. They, there's there is very little patience on the road. But we can have patience. And we can have. So we can have self control over patience. You don't have to get a knot, you know, because you if you find yourself getting annoyed at stuff and you've got no patience or self control, you're not walking the fruits of the Spirit are you

Reverend Ben Cooper:

so it is a thread it runs all the way through from Genesis to Revelations. But this is this is about a strip back isn't it? Because this is what he's doing. So when when you are aware of a character, when I say character flaw, I'm talking about fleshly because God created us. And in his eyes, we are not who we see ourselves to be. So what is really important is Psalms 46, verse 10. And he said, we still know that I'm God. This is really important to be still because stillness is not just sitting on the couch or waiting for God to show up. It is referring to going and doing what you got to do. But being still in the busyness of everything going on around your life. And realizing that God is in charge that I got to be patient in the busyness that is going on around me. God will get that that vision and that dream that he's dropped into those leaders, that I've got to be patient and just wait and be still. God has said this will happen. This is going to bring and this is going to come into being but you've got to be still in the busyness of life. Being still in spirit. Being still in your innermost being

Simon Pinchbeck:

is the thing, Ben, how many times do you hear people say, Oh, the fellow founder came and gave me a word. He said I was going to do this. I was going to do that. And we kind of expect that to happen tomorrow. I don't know. But God wants to see what our hearts are like. Yeah. And he's got that for us. Yeah, but a heart except to be right is put that in for us. He will regard timing is perfect. It's never early never liked

Reverend Ben Cooper:

timing. It's a time that you can't actually get to the real root of what that actually means within the context and within the framework of Scripture. God's timing is beyond perfect timing. The way the world works, the way the Earth moves, the way the atoms the way the sun rises, the moon moves away the stars everything revolves and moves around timing is so onpoint is beyond human understanding.

Simon Pinchbeck:

But what he says in Isaiah 4031 Then come on, let's have it he says but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they will they will mount on rise on wings like eagles they shall run and not get weary they shall walk and not get fight. Yeah, yeah, those wait on the Lord.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So waiting is patience is patience. It's Psalm 46 Be still and know that I'm gone. And running with that, in an age of open the envelope with this word patience. Deep in that that is at the Fred is faith. I'm waiting on faith. He has spoken trust is trusting in it. So you've got so many words so many bringing out one core word patient. Yeah. When I'm patient, I'm faithful. When I'm patient, I'm obedient.

Simon Pinchbeck:

What is the word safe? And, you know, I forget the the place in the Bible it says do not be weary in doing good because in juice season, you're received a word read word. Yeah. Do not be weary into English, to be patient. Every little thing that the details, every detail, every little purpose should be fair, Gloria got it.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Because with patience, also opens up another word, your enduring, enduring and patience. When you look at the two, I've got to endure this stillness. I've got a whole I've got a I've got a I've got God's preparing me. Well, in this position of stripped back because patience.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I think for you, it's insurance, but the people but if you if you have the Spirit of the Lord in you have called a patient is not in it's not an insurance to be patient. Is it? Because well, yeah. But I was in your case may be but in other people's case. Yeah. If your spirit of the law and you then you see, you know, and what happens? It's been when you get caught up all of a sudden in Christian ministry, what happens? People go, why is he getting blessed more than me? Why? Look at him, look at him going over there. Don't God's saying, bless him, because I've got you exactly where I want you. You're in L'Aquila, you're on the right track. Yeah. And when the time is right, when your heart is right, when I need you, I'm going to do great things with you. So whatever that may be,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

whatever, whatever that may be. So good. God drops the seat, God opens the window of our eyes, to see that God is is is in and is doing. But to be patient. Some people find that just easy. They don't even come into any. They won't even compute it. They don't need to fight it. Some people are just just patient all the way through, where they might struggle with something else. But but for me, this is critical for me that I need to learn to be still more and know that he's gone. I've got to learn to trust more. I've got to learn to rest more. I've got to learn to say God, I believe you are speaking to me in a way I've got to accept a, b, and c.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Be very careful. My friends. You know, Ben is right. He's talking about his own situation. But that reflects many people's situation out there. Because, you know, we've said a few scriptures. Yeah, and they're pretty point they're pretty on point. But you we can manipulate scriptures to so easy to, to fit in our situation, whatever we want. I want to where's the Scripture? Oh, yes. Yeah, you know, you can do all things with the first set of that context. And you can do all things that's from you know, the book of ever go, have a go my own strength.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But I really believe God is speaking to me. Today, Ben, please still, then be still. And I know there's leaders out there. I know. You know, and sometimes, it's very difficult to admit, I've made a mistake. I've gone down the rabbit, our ministry, I thought that the door was being opened when actually, I was kicking it open. My feet were kicking it.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Let me ask you a question God. God will say no, when you're moving in areas that are not good for you, but when you move in an area that God doesn't really want you to be in, do you feel uneasy, do you feel extremely

Reverend Ben Cooper:

uneasy, I feel that the pole pole you feel so the fight between? Let's put it into Scripture. It says the flesh the flesh is weak. But the spirit is willing. So there's a battle between load on now I shouldn't. But Lord is looking different. So there is a battle. There's always a battle. The more we want Christ, the more the flesh is revealed. The more the flesh desires, the more it becomes hungry, the more

Simon Pinchbeck:

the flesh has got to be fed. Yeah, free things been the three major areas. But patience is essential to obedience. goes,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it's folded in, it's running in each other,

Simon Pinchbeck:

give our own desires. Not my will, but Your will be done. We're back

Reverend Ben Cooper:

in the garden. We can't get away from it. But in all seriousness, the Garden of Gethsemane is the place that I love to be. Because it's that same line, not my will. Not my will, Your will be done.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So when God says no, then what's he really saying?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's not my will. You got to hold it. He was really saying that Ben, don't eat what you want is not what's meant to be. But what's he really say? Can you tell me he's saying?

Simon Pinchbeck:

I love you know, because I'll of course, ya know, that we don't only I don't want you to go down that route. Because it's only gonna hurt you. Yeah. And that's why I'm stopping you. Please listen to what I'm saying.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

But also, Simon has just opened up sorry. And they're quite interestingly. When, so if you take the will, the will of the Father on the Son, Christ that will was to go through a very painful experience. It's interesting, isn't it? Because when we might ministry up it's very soft and light and wonderful. But when you walk with Christ, you will be persecuted. So

Simon Pinchbeck:

open the door thing there you know you if you look at how if you look

Reverend Ben Cooper:

nice, Christ ology and study Christ, His ministry,

Simon Pinchbeck:

and look how we are we went through that, or deal. He went through it with amazing patients. And and as you said forbearance and insurance. He just he went through it, I didn't, because he knew he was the father as well. So the

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Father's will, was the cross. Yeah, you can't you can't look at that any other way. Yeah, so that is a painful thing. Without even exploring that, so the will of the Father was to send his one and only son, John 316. Salvation can only be accomplished through Christ Jesus, but for it to work, Christ had to go to the cross. So when you look at the will, of God for Christ. And then you look at what Christ said in the garden, if it is possible, take this from me. But not my will your will be done Christ know that the journey from removing himself from the garden, and going into this next stage of his life was going to be painful. And ministry can be painful. It will make you obviously go the will of the Father and the will of the Father will be against the mainstream denominations.

Simon Pinchbeck:

How many times in your experience and it's happened to me many times do I think, Why, Lord, am I going down this route? Why am I here? This is not this is painful. This is not a normal, it's when you're coming out of something. Yeah, normally is when you come in out of something. But then a year, six months, a year later, you look back and think. Thank you, Lord, thank you so much that I've stepped out of that you pull me out, although it was painful at a time. But look where I am now. Yeah, but where I am now. Yeah. And so it's having the, the trust really, and the courage and courage and the patience and insurance, as you said, and the perseverance which we will talk about another time. But all that stuff is wrapped up in one thing is trust in the Lord. Be patient wait upon His timing, Ben, Ben, patience is essential. Our say to this delicious patience is essential to all relationships. You know, any relationship that you're in? Yeah, it ain't about you, my friend. It's somehow that so relationship is in your marriage, it with your family, with your with your work colleagues, colleagues, at work, everyone, you wherever you meet,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

wherever you meet a human being. That is it.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Because human beings we mess up, we all mess up. And none of us are better than anyone else. And so we need patients to to, to our patients when we're the people in the shop that people as you say driving around cars, our own family.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Yeah. When things are breaking, yeah, in university, in school, in college, in your friendship groups and your socializing groups, you know Patience is a beautiful thing to have when you really analyze it, just generally.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And I believe firmly that the Lord will put people in your path to test your patience i really do.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that Jesus, Lord is very true.

Simon Pinchbeck:

someone knocking on your door all the time. And yeah. And yeah, it's how you deal with them

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And how do I deal with that? That area? That is that is that is that is what it is. Lord, I need wisdom. I need guidance. So it comes back again to Jesus, it's all about it all comes back to Jesus.

Simon Pinchbeck:

How not dealt with it, you say,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I deal? How do I deal with this situation? Because this, this area of my life is draining and tiring. And I'm running out of patience. But I don't know how to approach the situation to get it dealt with correctly. So God, I need you to take me in and guide me through this

Simon Pinchbeck:

been everything that happens to us in life? Yeah. It can be a test. Oh, god, Oh, yeah. Right. So you know, you've got someone in your life for a season is how you deal with them. And the Lord's looking at how you're dealing with that person. The Lord's looking at how you're dealing with that situation. He's looking all the time at your heart. Yeah, see where your heart is? If it's, you know, he doesn't want to see that it's personal. How can I use that person now? He wants to see where your heart is, and patience and the courage to be patient. In situations, you know, been, we can break it down even further her courage to say, I don't want that house right now. I don't want that car right now. I'm

Reverend Ben Cooper:

not I'm not going up forever up the ivory tower.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I'm not I'm not gonna, you know, back in the day when I was growing out. There was catalogs you could get things on and never never, it was called but but generally speaking, most people saved out a washing machine. But right now,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

yeah. sign yourself up,

Simon Pinchbeck:

oh, machine down like

Reverend Ben Cooper:

this, it's sign. So

Simon Pinchbeck:

throw away societies of our wives societies, and that two minute special,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

everywhere is two minute everything is click, click, click Done, done, done. And that doesn't bring peace. It doesn't bring because we're going from one thing to another thing, but it also doesn't look like church. We're, we're churches are grabbing ministries from across the Atlantic from other areas and drawing off of that trying to find the key when actually Christ is the key instead of just preaching the gospel. We'll pull this transatlantic teach in we'll pull that from over there. We'll pull this from there. We're looking at their book, we're looking at their manual, rather than looking at Yeah, the author.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, definitely. They want to they want to shock the Holy Spirit rather than getting into the next trend into the word and, you know, they want to listen to a prophet. Yeah. Fit the avatar, they want to listen, yeah, there he is. And they'll search until they get a word that they're happy with

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you they're happy with an actually God's word. It cuts through it deals with it shapes, it molds, you know, but when we're looking for the revival ministry when actually God God is saying you're you're entering into persecution UK

Simon Pinchbeck:

what are we what we've said this time and time again in this on this platform is we dial Jesus for every decision everything so we dial Jesus we don't shoot onto the Amazon site, do we just see what we can get? We don't shoot over to John Lewis the Marks and Spencers ship. No, we die. Oh, yeah. Jesus,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Jesus, what do you want for me? What is the purpose? patience, forbearance, long suffering? brings joy, peace, love, goodness, it all comes together. So just because the person may feel that, oh, gosh, what Ben's been talking about that sums me up a bit there and all doesn't mean to say that we're outside of the framework of God it means that God is revealing what he's dealing with. He's revealing it and it's great because He is the vine dresser he is the gardener and he will strip all this stuff away. And then one day I'll go wow I've made it not not don't what I mean by I've made it what I mean by I've made it is

Simon Pinchbeck:

im peace.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

and patient in the situation. It God's timing that's fine for me.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And if all what I'm saying to people is what Ben has said if you if you can get into this patience of the from the Holy Spirit, then you will have peace Yeah, because It'll be just every situation you'll be so peaceful, you know, Jeremiah 33, three, or was this a call to me? And I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things that you you do not know. So, so call to Jesus is your first Porter. Exactly. And he will give you your heart, peace in your heart. You know, it's all about trusting in the Lord, and just being obedient to what he says and not and listening. And when you haven't got an answer, don't go out because I haven't got an answer. I'll make one. I'll make one. And I'll do what I want to do. No, wait, and look, really because God speak to you on all different levels. He will speak to you through billboards, He will speak to you through your car number, but it will speak to it to any every every gray

Reverend Ben Cooper:

area of life. He's speaking. Yeah, he's continually speaking continually

Simon Pinchbeck:

speaking to you. So, you know, if I'm if I remember sitting in a men's group once, and a guy was talking about his business. And he said, while we waited for a word from the Lord, good brother, he said, Yeah, but when we got word, we didn't like it. So we changed it. But you know, that so people are loving it. That's a

Reverend Ben Cooper:

denomination. We don't like what God is teaching or showing us through His Word. So we will go a different route. It's so so clear, isn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Ben is right, my friends, you cannot pick and choose the car. Right? Yeah. And you got to take in the absolute right context as well. Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

this is good stuff. This is really good stuff. You know? What more can we say? I've got to be patient. It is. It is a journey. Patience is a journey. Peace is a journey. Faithfulness is a journey. stripping back is a daily experience. I love that I've reached a place in my walk with him. I say, Lord, stripped me back today, strip me back to the Lord, I want to keep me in the garden because the garden is a safe place for me. Because it's all about the will of the Father and listening.

Simon Pinchbeck:

If you say that, then if you say strip me back, God will take you to places that you won't want to go. But there were places that you'll never want to leave, believe me. And so one way flight. So one way if you don't, if you go against God's will, it will never end the way that you intend it or it'll end in tears, my friend. Yeah. And financially, it could cost you all sorts of ways. But the most real costs you if you want a piece of peace, you can't come by it become by it. You can't buy peace can't buy basement.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there we go. We have made it. We have reached it. Well, we have got 15 minutes. Goodness, gracious. Goodness, goodness, goodness. Well, brothers and sisters, wherever you are across the world, we thank you so much for joining us here. #Christian, Straight Talk Simon and myself. You know, we really, really appreciate all these downloads and everything that's going on. But you know, this is what is so good about these podcasts. We just open. We're laying our lives on the table. We're not worried. We've got nothing to hide. God is with you. But this is my I wouldn't even use a word struggle because God is stripping me back or this. So I'm learning. I'm trusting. And I love Jesus Simon, get us out of there. Come on my friend.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, have you listened today and if anything's touched your heart, then I would say you know, bring it before the Lord. And you know, my friends. Don't be impatient because impatient, never achieves anything at all. It's been patient to listen to God's word and move in in God's timing, and you will achieve what God wants to achieve through you and you'll give Him the glory. The signposts must always point towards the Lord and not to us. So we want to pray for anyone out there. We want to pray, Lord, that you'll give them the strength to be patient, you will give them the courage to be agile, as they move as they as they move in their daily lives. And we just pray that we use breathe a little word into their into their lives and, and they'll go forward and and they're weak or be more peaceful, more patient than it was last week. And that's all we can hope for. So we lift everyone up who's listening. We love you applaud and everything we do is for the glory you in Jesus name, amen.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Amen. Thank you Sorry. And thank you once again to everyone on the platforms that we're on. You've been listening to simon pinchbeck, myself, Reverend Ben Cooper here #Christian straight talk. You can find us through Spotify. I Heart Radio and Buzzsprout and Alexa and so many more other places. Thank you. Keep holding on to God's word never give up. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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