
#Christian Straight Talk - Courage - To face difficult tasks (#4 Courage)

August 10, 2024 Simon Pinchbeck \ Reverend Ben Cooper Season 2 Episode 4

Simon Pinchbeck and Reverend Ben Cooper take to the mics to talk about the 4th part in the series of Courage and this week they talk about the Courage to  face difficult tasks.

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Reverend Ben Cooper:

Good morning. Good afternoon. This is the beefcakes. No, come on. This is #Christian Straight Talk wherever you are, we are so blessed. You know, this is Ben Cooper and we got Simon pinchbeck my true solid brother in Christ Jesus. This is#Christian straight talk, we are blessed because we are followers of Jesus, we are blessed not because of what we and what we have done, but because of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Wherever you are today, please share these podcasts out, please go and have a look online at the website that's been already set up. #Christian straight talk. That's right, isn't it, Simon? So I'm running moving.

Simon Pinchbeck:

#Christian straight here. It's moving and it's moving pretty quick, Ben, we've got the first book came out.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And we're in its out

Simon Pinchbeck:

on Amazon#Christian Straight Talk is it's men's talk. It's in title, but it's plenty of stuff in there for ladies as well, which, you know, come on. It's what is it 899, the price of a cup of cappuccino has been

Reverend Ben Cooper:

girly cappuccinos

Simon Pinchbeck:

part of the process. I mean, we don't get fortunes right, but a part of the proceeds go to the Gideons and little fellows who give out, which is absolutely amazing.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And that's exactly what we're for is for the Bible. I

Simon Pinchbeck:

It's for the Bible.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It's for the gospel of Jesus Christ, word of the Lord. And it's, it's, I feel so encouraged, I feel so encouraged now. It's a privilege to be able to talk with you, to share things with you to do these podcasts together, to chat together, to write together to do absolutely all this sort of stuff. But it is all Christ centered. It's just so it's just Christ all the way through. And God is leading us on an individual journey. And God is leading us on a journey together. And since we've been doing these podcasts, it just feels that God is just, it's just leading, doesn't it God is leading and

Simon Pinchbeck:

I just say before and in the preamble and the depth that we've been that we've gone to in some of this stuff and the realization of what the Lord has downloaded, you know, in these in this 40 odd minutes. He's just incredible. And it's it's gone into every asset of life,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it has it's like fed us. It strengthened us in life. River, isn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you said it Ben is when a stripping away of certain stuff. And

Reverend Ben Cooper:


Simon Pinchbeck:

And it's all pointing towards Jesus, it has to you can't point towards us or anything else. Like you said, it has to point towards Jesus. And that's where we're pointing people we kind of want to be nameless and faceless. Really, Ben, but you know, you know we have to we have to get the word out, don't we? So

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we have to Yeah, because

Simon Pinchbeck:

the Lord's put it on our hearts to get it out for the podcast. And the podcasts are going to be turned into books. And next book is, is on the seventh podcast we did on fear that's that will be out before Christmas, hopefully got rolling. And we're just going on from there. So today, Ben is the fourth installment of of courage, courage, and we're going to talk about courage to face difficult tests or not courage to for confrontation that will come maybe next week but the courage to face difficult tasks been

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the courage to deal with stuff that's going on within, within spiritually stuff practically saying no, correct in sweeping through Lord, will You sweep from my house have I got the courage courage to say, this is a difficult task for me to lay this temptation down to lay this down to put this to deal with? It opens up so much, doesn't it? It was such a big drumbeat. This one

Simon Pinchbeck:

is huge. And and the thing is you've got you've got the stuff that God has put on your heart to do tasks that look enormous. You know, we've, if you look at a couple of people in the Bible, you know, look at Jonah, you know, he was told to go to this place Nineveh and preach to preach the Word and he ended up in a in the belly of a fish in that fella. He ran away didn't eat. Yeah, so courage is a big word, isn't it?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So there we look at Jonah. And when you look at Jonah, you think wow, God had called him got to give him a clear word, God give him instruction. But he ran.

Simon Pinchbeck:

He ran.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

He ran because of courage because he was mainly lacking the courage. He looked at the looked at the city and said, I ain't going into that. The size of attachment. He looked at the task, and that's so common, isn't it?

Simon Pinchbeck:

And I was reading about a sea kill. You know, the Lord said to him, lie on your side for 390 days. He said to make a little model out of clay of Jerusalem. He said that in cook your food he said on human excrement you know and but he gave in that in the end he said you couldn't you can use cow dung but he had in line on his side free 90 days on one side free 40 days on the other side to emesis Danny's cooking not on a not a night agar no bit bit messy, a little bit smelly.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And you think this is God given instruction here, have you got the courage to do what God is telling you to do for the task that is in front of you, because to the world and to the religious order that was around that Prophet, they looked at him and thought, you're nuts, man, you are off your trolley,I find that God is leading us and leading many to that position where the world are looking at us and going you're doing strange things. You're not doing what we would expect. But when God calls you the tasks that he has before you will look very weird in the eyes of the world.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And how do you deal with it you deal with it? As the world does? Or do you put your trust in the Lord and we're just saying today in, even in in your church and what you're doing in on the back of a pandemic you rip in the place of building? You know, you're spending fortunes, you know, making the place.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

more adaptable and more user friendly

Simon Pinchbeck:

town are going to be going What is he doing is like no.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

The bank? What's the what do I build a gun on my counter? What's he growing in the loft? Yes, we got a farm in the loft.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So what is it? You know? Yeah, but you've

Reverend Ben Cooper:

we it's taken courage and courage to go you know what? God has given us a window. God has given us an opportunity. It's been building up for a long time. Do you have the courage in the climate that we're in? To do what I'm asking you to do? Do you have the courage to do the task? Do you have the courage to to work for me? Do you have the courage to go? Because what we are doing and what God requires is we do the opposite to what the world is doing. Yeah, we're completely opposite. We're doing a salmon swimming. We're swimming. We're swimming during that salmon swim.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And and when I come in here, and I see the Lord has put a team around you. And he has Yeah, you've got bricklayers you've got plasters of a load. You've got guys in mind those who wouldn't be carpenters guys would be maybe, and this is not too strong. The word Some guys might be suicidal, that they weren't actually doing stuff. Yes, yeah. In this in this church. Yeah. all fitting together,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

all fitting together. And the thread that runs from that the conversation that goes off from that is a is enormous. So yeah, I do take that on board what you say it does take courage doesn't it takes massive courage to do certain things for God in certain times of someone's life. So it's quite an interesting subject that we got a courage to face difficult tasks. Now. Often the church would say, it's like facing the Goliath for it. It's like walking into Jericho, but it's actually having the courage to, to face tasks that you know, that are in your life that need to be dealt with. stepping out in faith going God, I want to change I want this situate or, or in a ministerial position there is areas of life finances, the task of quite an interesting word, isn't it? Do you have the courage to face difficult tasks?

Simon Pinchbeck:

Are you made that made a good point? Because in our own lives, we've all got oh, maybe, you know, have you got the courage to to sort out that credit card debt? You know, are you or are you just continuing to learn it pay off the minimum payment? You've got the courage to actually go? No, I'm gonna use that money. I've got to pay that off. I'm going to clear the debt. Have you got the courage to, to do certain tasks that need to be done done around the home around the house, you know that there have been lifestyle changes, lifestyle changes, and we've got, because if my lifestyle follows the way of the world, that's not following Christ, so do I have the courage to say as for me, in my house, we will serve the Lord. I mean, you can say it out. But will you be got the courage to do it? That's the thing. That's the thing. So there is, so we can say it, but then there becomes an action. And that's an interesting script you brought there because that's from us in the Book of Joshua. Yeah. And we're going to one scripture. One scripture stands out, bang. When we, when we, when we say, we've got the courage to do these tests, one scripture stands out more than anything else, really in the Bible, and that is from the book of Joshua. And it's that Joshua one wants to nine now. Ben, explain explaining to the people just about what Wow, did Joshua get to this situation?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

When you look at Joshua, you study His life Joshua has obviously come in under that the hand of Moses and suddenly Joshua finds himself. Moses has gone. It's made an absolute clear statement right there before that and the way God actually says this to Moses in verse two of sorry, says this to Joshua about Moses. So he says, Joshua, chapter one, verse two, it says, Moses, the servant is dead. Stone gone. Yeah, it's no wake. There's no ramping it up. There's no, there's no eulogy. There's no, Moses is gone. He's done his job. He's done the job.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Now it's your turn.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And then God says, Now I find this these two words, really quite harrowing now then, because Moses is gone. But now then your your instrument is now then you see, wherever this you were there.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Wherever there's a now it says now in my book, he says, Now therefore. So wherever there's a therefore, yeah, what's it therefore? What does he say betn? than he says,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

he says, Now then you and all these people get ready to cross, cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give them or to give you to the Israelites, I will give you every place that you set your foot as I promised Moses that the promise goes on the generation, it goes on covenant goes on that covenant promise goes on. I told you I would just because that human being isn't here, Aaron it here isn't he isn't here anymore. I am not going to cease my word, my word will go on. But my servant has run out of gas, he's gone. Now. It's yo, see hands over. And that's interesting in leadership. So we have to make sure that we are really cold to the Gospel, because my actions will affect the next generation coming into this pulpit. So I need to make sure that I am doing what I should be doing under God. Because if I'm not doing what I should be doing the next one that's coming in. So if I am doing what God wants me to do, when Joshua took over from Moses, there was all the footsteps already there now then he's gone. But you're still here.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And there's a term use in the secular world so that you never have success unless you've got a successor. So So you're right, you put the building blocks in, but it ain't about you. It's about it's about future future. Yeah, it's about

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it's about what is ahead. So So then suddenly, it's not about me, is it not about you know, the abuse, it's not about me, I'm not doing what we're doing here. I just have a nice golden statue of me at the end of the drive, and people to worship me, we're doing what we do here for the glory of God. But the next ministers coming into this house of the Lord that belongs to him, because it's not mine, I'm just just the gate, I'm just a caretaker. If we are if every minister leader is under God, and coming under clear instruction, right, I've got a task for you. Now I want you to do A, B, C, and D, if I do them tasks under the hand of God. That is God's plan moving forward. But I have a choice to go, I'm going to build this house all about me. This ministry is about me. I love the photo on the wall, like me stuff on the

Simon Pinchbeck:

God's plan, and usually for yourself, or you can take God's plan and give Him the glory and let it die that they let it all direct towards Jesus.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That's right. But this is a transitional period.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah. So what's he saying? First five minutes. He got

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I can't count the five goes 123. Got it. First Five. First Five, let me pick it up. It says no one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life, as I was, as I was with. So it goes on. Yeah, it got this. This is a continuous a continuum. This is a continuum as I was with Moses, so will I be with you. So God is with me, God is with the next pastors in line when I when God calls me I'm so so it's a it's a move, isn't it? But the task, I have to make sure that the task that I'm in is, is of God, because this is important that I have a job I have a movement that I have to do. And this is the same for every one of us in every area of life because it affects the ones that will be running after us that are after us once we're gone off the earth. So this is really critical. So this is the problem with denominations. Why we got such an issue. I'm just gonna have peace at the minute for a minute. It's not you know, I would never do that. So where we have denominations doing what they want to do to steer that back, it can only be steered back by the power God, oh, yeah, he can, because they've gone off on their own. We're building our denomination. So there, there is always a transitional period when the leader, the pastor, there is always a transition. But this is a clear transition because Moses was under instruction. And now he jumped around a little bit, and things happen. But at the end, Moses was under the clear instruction, and the transition was smooth. So there's a lot coming out of this podcast, a lot coming out. But yeah, there's a smooth transition. And as Simon has just said, and that I'm going to read that again. So when off slightly there, it says, no one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life as I was with Moses. So the transition, the covenant comes over. So will I be with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Now listen to those words.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So this is why this scripture is so important when we're dealing with with task because you say, you might say, well, that's in the Old Testament, what is in the Bible, in the Bible, and the principles apply the principles of this truth or plow apply today, as they did them? Is that what you're not going to be given a task or leading 2 million people across the Jordan? No, no, that's that was Joshua's task. But the test that the Lord puts down on you, the principles of this is the same is the same,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

it doesn't matter if you're leading one or formulating the obedience is obedience. Yeah, totally. And the task is the task. Now you can be you can you can be fearful, or you can be courageous. And believe me, come on, Lord,

Simon Pinchbeck:

God wants you to be courageous because what's the what did he say in in, in verse six, Ben was he say, then

Reverend Ben Cooper:

123456 Be strong and courageous. So these, you know, this, this Book of Joshua is so powerful, because it is so it is such a a book of, of obedience, a book of of a warrior of a rule, you don't even like call him a fighting man, do you? Because when you he, he was obedient, and God gave him the skills, God gave him the ability to go into war. But when you look at this, this, this leader was a shore sound leader that came under clear instruction, and he didn't really move out of that when when you when you study Joshua, so this book is enormous issue.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And it's, I think it's a real hidden treasure in the Bible. And the thing is, don't forget, Ben that these 2 million people, they were fickle. There'll be for you one day and adventure the next one night. Yeah. Sounds familiar. All over the place. So God is

Reverend Ben Cooper:

children, grand mums. Granddad's the infirm, so they wasn't bred for war. What's that? When you look at it now, people

Simon Pinchbeck:

haven't even got source they got Amazon sickles or whatever,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Zimmer frames, they've got donkeys and they're just walking sticks are just people. They're people, all ages, all sizes, all everything. But Joshua was put in charge of these lives, these human beings, and God is telling him be strong and courageous. So whatever task you have in front of you, be courageous. Be strong, and be courageous. It's such a glorious text. We're in Joshua chapter one, verse one through to nine. And he says in verse six, Be strong and courageous, because you will. Because you will. God is telling you today, wherever you are, you will. If you come under clear instruction, you will succeed. You will.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And the thing is, then that it's not Joshua's courage. It's God's courage, because God downloads it, God downloads it. So he's saying to him, and he and if you if we're going to read this, we're going to work through this but he, he says, that be strong enough good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance, the land which I swore to that Bob was to give them, so he's saying, you know, promises land years and years ago, and you're the one that's going to deliver it, and but you've got to be courageous to do it. And in what you say in the first seven, Ben,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

be strong and very courageous, they are careful. But then he goes on to say, what does he say that? He says that Be careful to obey all my law? My servant Moses gave you do not turn from it from the right nor left, that you may be successful wherever you go. We are only successful because of him. It's him. It's no one else.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And when he's talking about the book on the law, which is talking about, I guess, Deuteronomy, which was he was talking about the Torah he's talking about so much within the law.The Bible that at that time, yeah.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And the thing is, though, that that law

Simon Pinchbeck:

You're 100 percent, right? This is relevant is still very real for us today that has got some serious stuff in it that we need to look at. That's very, very important for a believer, but you've got many ministers and preachers and teachers out there going, the Old Testament is irrelevant, it is not irrelevant. The old is as strong as the new the new is as strong as the old, there is no separation, the only separation you can have is going to get funny is the area of time between the last book and the first book in the Old and the New, is about free, free 170 to 400 years where God was just quiet. That was it, but you cannot separate them Christ is in. In Genesis, Christ is in Revelation, the Holy Spirit is in Genesis, the Holy Spirit is in the God that the free are in the Word. today as it was to Joshua. And the thing is, what God's saying is, when you when you've got a task like this, don't look around, don't look around, look up, and actually some outside, don't look around at people. No, don't look at the pastor. Don't look at the denomination. Don't look at those that you are looking, don't look to your spiritual director, because he's a little bit lost as well. Look to Jesus.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Now we can't we have to quote we have to bring into that, because of what you said. We have to bring in Hebrews chapter 12 verse to keep your eyes on Jesus, the author, or it says the pioneer and the author of your faith, keep your eyes on Jesus. So many times we said that in this podcast, and I used pop, countable times, eyes on Jesus. So I look to Simon but Simon can get me so far. I looked at my wife, she can get me so far. Look to my daughter, she can get me so far. I look to pastors, they can get a look to people you can get me so far. But there comes a point when you will sit on the fringe. And I have to go in alone. Yes to sign for everybody. And the deal is Joshua didn't have Jesus TV. No, he had he had he had God to listen to. But we have Jesus and you're right, he brews 12 to you know, keep your eyes on Jesus.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Because making a point in verse seven, and he is saying to only be strong and very courageous, he says very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it from the right or left, that you may prosper wherever you go. Now, as do not turn to the left to the right, or to Bible. Now we've got people going all over the place with the denominations going, we'll marry you, we want to marry Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

you can marry a cat, you can marry your dog. But God says He do not do not, do not come away from what? From Genesis to Revelation. The scripture says do not add or take away. Do not add or take away. So when we are back in this scripture, God has made a clear instruction to anyone that says I am a Christian, or Labor's this book of the law. I've always wanted on your lips, Simon. Yeah. But listen, listen, Ben, he hasn't got as I said, this is the blueprint.

Simon Pinchbeck:

said this is the wall plan. Yes. I said this is the strategy strategy seven, spreadsheet, whatever spreadsheet seven steps are my own glide. He said, What's he saying? Go on to verse eight, tell us what he says at first sight.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Keep this book of the law, always on your lips, meditate on it day and night that you may be successful. Or careful. It says there to do everything written it then you will be prosperous and successful. So there is a strong, really powerful indicator keep this book, what is the book? The book of the law? Yes, the law what also is in this now we have the New Testament. So I keep Genesis to Revelation. Where do I keep it keep this book always on your lips, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water what I feed myself I will become Amen and what he says there but he's saying meditate on it. So what does he mean by meditate on it? He mean to be a yoga, levitation. That's how that that's

Simon Pinchbeck:

how the world would would see meditation when it Ben

Reverend Ben Cooper:

gonna have a bit of transcend or meditation. I'm gonna float up in the front room across my legs. But the Bible was talking about meditate, meditate. It's

Simon Pinchbeck:

Read the Word in, leave the word is absorbed the Word in your heart. You're exactly right, Ben, keep doing it over. And

Reverend Ben Cooper:

basically keep, keep it going in your ear gate, your eye gate, keep meditating, see meditation has been taken, and has been manipulated. Because when you mentioned the word meditate, you can always see people from the pulpit looking at you go to talking about meditation, is gonna get me to do a downward dog position, in a yoga position is going to get me

Simon Pinchbeck:

surprised, you know, all.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

its all for research purposes, so when you look at this word, the devil takes the words out, and he uses these words, and he shapes them into what he wants. So if you are not in the word, what the devil takes, and he tries to use through for false prophets, he can quite easily manipulate. So the word meditate is not what we can almost grasp right away. It means to keep it, to focus on it, to pray through it, to pray through it. Yeah, pray through it.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And the thing has been this, there's no time limit on reading, reading the Bible, you could, you know, none of us are that busy that we can't give the Bible 10 minutes, 15 minutes each day, you know? And then a few minutes, Ben, God can do amazing things. Yeah, well, you can speak to you, you know, he says, meditate on this book, day, day and night. This is in the Bible, it's a principle is a truth.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

This there is written, you can't take any words, but they may actually last as well. But so if you take a denomination for a moment, take take a denomination, every denomination, if it calls itself, Bible, believing believers will not add or take away, they will not challenge the teachings of Jesus Christ. Now, because if you are a believer, you don't challenge the teachings, you don't add or take away, you keep this book of the law on you, in you over you, you do not deviate from what I say. So now where we sit in the timeline of history, we are starting to see, as Joshua went up a little bit further, are you for me or against me? And as Jesus would so rightly say, in the end times, watch out for the signalers watch out for the signs, the great fallen away. We are in a time in a period where there are many denominations that are holding to the word or No, let me let me rephrase that. There are many trying to hold to it. But they are being manipulated by educators. Now, there are also many that are clearly fallen away from the Word of God. Because that says, As Simon said, Never let never let this depart.

Simon Pinchbeck:

See what you're saying? Been when you say, when you never let it depart from you. You're saying, God, I acknowledge I can't do anything without you. Now I can't do anything, can't do anything without you. You know, this life is your life. I gave it to you.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And this instruct

Simon Pinchbeck:

and you have the right to show me what do you have the right to get to use my life to our you want to get the best for you. From my life.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It's like someone's gone to IKEA. I've gotten a b&q he'd bought cupboard, our board cupboard, we stripped swap instructions, but we're not going to end up with a write it don't fit. You've we've got instructions here. So these instructions are for the human being to live by. But when I take these instructions and are manipulate the instructions, it's not going to make me and turn me into the vessel that it should be. You know, it is clear forever. That no human being can add or take away. No one can make up their own gospel, no one can make their own book. And another thing Simon just made it very clear in my spirit to back when he was just talking about reading and getting into the word. I think we have to be very careful when we say I'm reading the Bible in a year. Well, why are you reading it in a year? Because everybody else is reading? Yeah. No, hang on a minute. I'm on a lifetime. We could get in a cycle where I've got to read it from January to January. If I don't read it, God's not going to be with me. God will hold you in Psalms For 100 years if he wants. And that's the truth. And that's that's the fact why am I reading the Bible? Because the church has told me read the Bible in a year. I'm reading it, but I don't know the author.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Well, then, that leads me to verse nine and read this verse nine, because he is really God's really hammering home to Joshua here. Yeah. So what's he saying? Verse nine, we says, which is the classic one? Isn't it?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Have I not commanded you? Have I not commanded you? did not command you. What do you what are you saying, Lord? Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you wherever you go. Do not. I want to ask the listeners? Do you believe that?

Simon Pinchbeck:

You honestly believe that that your Lord your God would be I'll tell you something. Let me give you your challenge out there. If you're a listener, I would say read this Joshua one, one to nine, twice a day. Yeah, for 10 days, yeah. And then report back to what's happening in your life. Because you will have the courage to deal with all the tests that are in front of you. And the Lord will see that you'll notice that you'll get his attention. And all of a sudden, He'll lift you up and take you to a different level. I truly believe that because then I can you beat that price. You can't beat it can can't beat

Reverend Ben Cooper:

that promise. But in the promise, he has a promise. And what I love about the promise within the promise, he is expecting us to hold his word to always it didn't say memorize it.

Simon Pinchbeck:

He's not saying memorize because you can memorize stuff and not understand what it means. He says, Yeah,

Reverend Ben Cooper:

the danger of memorizing but meditation is prayer is focused, is is is come in and rest in there is something so powerful about meditating in the Word of God, getting through your eye gate, getting through your air gate, see, there is no other way that we can go but the way of Jesus, there is no other way. But but who what is Christ, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. So the word is gone.

Simon Pinchbeck:

So here's the deal. If you get into the Word, you meditate on a word love, he says in it, you start to think this is frightening. This is start to think how God thinks. Now, you just hit a button.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

That is a frightening button to hit. Because And the Bible also says, Have the renewing of your mind and have the mind of Christ. So if you have a moment where where you are, you might have prayed, Lord, let me see, as you see, that is a dangerous prayer. Because if you see what Christ sees, you will see not the flowers and the roses. You will see the challenges you will see that those that come against you, you will see those that are leaving you on the cross, you will be looking at things in your life you will if you have the boldness to pray that prayer, be ready and hold tight because your life is going to be changed forevermore. Amen to that.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And that's a challenge I would put out to people listening, you know, and Ben, what was what was Joshua's challenge? I mean, God said to him, he said, I want you to to march round Jericho that is Jericho. Ben was the was the most 45 city that there was there you could they said the walls were so fit you could write chariots around them and he said he said he said to Joshua, march around it don't say anything with all the people Yeah. Not just one day not just two days he said my Australian seven days and and Joshua muster thought, God what what? And God just said watch, watch me watch. Watch may be a bit then watch me common lot, but there is a touch.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So the task for Joshua was to be obedient and to walk around the structure and not allow what he see in his naturalize intimidate his faith, you've hit the nail bang on the head. And what I'm going to ask our listeners Benny's blessings. If you missed trying to figure it out, yeah. Because you will always have, you will always have a Goliath that is bigger than you physically, you will always have a Jericho that is way bigger than you. But through the power of obedience through the power of the tasks that God has given you see your enemy, your enemy is bigger than you. Hang on, Pastor, you can't say things like that. If God is for me, who can be against me, you've only got to look into Chronicles. At King Josephat Josephat had a message, the message came to King Joseph hat. And the message was you've got free, ugly armies coming at you that were bred for war. And Josephat went hang on a minute. This is to big. But what's interesting in that text in that fact Josephat said something very profound. He said we do not know what to do. But our eyes are on the Lord. So there's nothing wrong We're saying this Jericho, this army, though, if you turn into Psalm 27, it says that an army besieged me. I will not be afraid, though war break out against me. I will not be afraid. And that's what he says by meditate on the word.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Yeah, it's in there No. Know what it's about and go to it when you're in times of trouble in tasks. You know, look, we know the battle is the Lord's done with the battle belongs to the Lord. And, you know, we can't try and figure stuff out and don't try and figure it out. Just be obedient. And been, what's it take to be obedient, it takes guts to take currently got courage, it takes obedient to God serious, hashtag Christian straight talk to talk straight and go.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Do you know what? This Jericho is enormous, because what my I see will always affect my feelings, but I don't live by feelings. I live by faith because the world is going, you should be going that way. You should be going that way. And God's saying, No, I want you to go that way. Look at the British government at the minute. It's like watching a washing machine turn around, they're being thrown into confusion. They're being torn to pieces every level, because God has been raised from their agenda. But when God gives you instruction, you can be like Josephat, you can you can look at the task that you face. And it will be big and ugly, and not very good. But God will get his glory for the human being, or should I say the Bible believing believer, being obedient to Him? obedience brings what? Glory to God.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Amazing, and, and you'll come through it. And you'll come through the other side. That takes courage time, and you'll find yourself at his I get there. I don't even know how I did that. I don't even know why we did that. We were talking today. Don't worry about this. But we've got our Christian # Christian straight talk. We just look at it and think, how did that that come around that went on?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It went on, it went on our mindset, it wasn't in our compute. And it wasn't in our thinking. We're just all we do is just talk about Jesus. And God opens the doors

Simon Pinchbeck:

he opens the doors believe what He says do what He commands.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

And it looks strange sometimes doesn't fit. Because what God has is bigger than the human being can anticipate. See, anticipation is of the natural world. But there is a supernatural I have to be careful our word this yet that there's a supernatural world out there known as the kingdom of God that is greater than your anticipation greater than your knowledge greater than your understanding. And God wants to lead you. But it is going to take courage for you to look around your life and go the task that is before me is to deal with my credit card issue. My lifestyle. The task for every one of us at the moment is to turn away from the world. The biggest task. Yeah, it's a turn away. Because Can I be honest and say, there must be a mass percentage of us well, I've got the world in my house. Oh, dear lord. Yeah. Oh, Lord, hallelujah, Jesus, but to realize the world is in my house.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And takes courage to take decisions done it. I've got to remove ABCDE and courage. But this as, as we said, Ben this Joshua one, one to nine. Yeah, man, read through it. I didn't find everyone just to read through a couple of times a day. And listen, meditate on the word, meditate on it day or night, then I don't believe that God would give you a schedule so busy that you haven't got time to meditate on His Word. Do you know what Simon it's a lifestyle isn't it?

Reverend Ben Cooper:

It is you? It's your life. It's everything about you. Don't go okay. I know this is good practice. Please, please please don't show me. I know it's good to get out and go I'm going to get in the word but the word is always in you got to be careful that I don't become a robot getting up at the same time which is great as fine okay, all this I understand this. But for the rest of the day. I still got to be in the Word.

Simon Pinchbeck:

You got to be in the word Yeah. And and so people say to you Well, you're a pastor but you say well, I still I've still got to be in in the work on the Biennale got to be in it and and so how do I get it in all day long? What did you know? If you're not the fitness if we're speaking to people out there that they're not used to reading Well, you've you have got it on your you've got it. You've said on your app on your graph or whatever.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Have it and

Simon Pinchbeck:

you said it. You said it. A few moments ago, you said, Maybe start with the Psalms, you know, because you the Lord will kick you in the Psalms For however long. Yeah. Or the Proverbs or better gospels? There's so much. Yeah, there's so much

Reverend Ben Cooper:

see, it's great to have a program. But why have I got the program have I got the program because the denomination has given me the program to read at a certain time to do this. To do that, I've got to be careful that I don't become entrenched in a pattern. That is okay. But then suddenly, the pattern becomes more important than reading and understanding the offer that I'm reading, because God will reveal His word wherever we are. But it takes me to be a good steward to get the word. So I have to write Okay, so I'm dyslexic. So I have to hear the word. So I have to make every effort to get the app to listen to the Bible from my ears. You know, there are many ways that you can get the word so I have a certain amount of work to do. Because it's obedience. But I cannot program myself I cannot, I got to be careful that I don't become a religious robot. And for the sake of doing all this stuff, because he's Word is living sharper than a double edged sword. And sometimes, I can become so used to doing this. I'm doing it just because it's the time to do this.

Simon Pinchbeck:

I think you'll know that when you don't when you stop getting revelation from the Lord. And also once you get once you get into it, if you if the Lord will lead you to other places, you'll start to understand that and, man this.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

I've got to get it in.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And I've got to ask people out there, are you ready to change your lives? Are you ready to take the courage? Are you ready? Because something against the world start getting meditating on the Word start, even start with Joshua, on one to nine, something will happen, Ben, it's a dangerous thing.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

So follow Jesus. What are you talking about? Because the danger is you will see who is for you, and who is against you, and things will come out on your thing. That's not from the Lord. Why am I involved in that? What am I gonna do with this program is a program used? You said it stripping away when things start to fall away? Have I got the courage, I've got the courage to say, Lord, now have you got the courage to face everything and anything according to God, because this is what God says, Simon just said that so beautifully there in Joshua, chapter one. This is really, really important, I will give you every place that you set your foot. So there's an interest in like, I will give you every place that you set your foot. But what I got to understand is in the New Testament, it says, very clearly the steps of a good person are ordained by the Lord. So I will only get that territory because he's allowing me to walk across that territory. So this is completely concreted in obedience. Your territory is the enemy's place at the moment. But you've got to go in to the enemy's camp, to take back everything that the devil have stolen. Look at David inquired, and he strengthened himself in the Lord. And what did he say to God? He said, Shall I chase my enemies? God said, pursue them and overtake your enemy.

Simon Pinchbeck:

And you're exactly right. And we're not running to, you know, the pastor, the spiritual leader, we're running to the book. And the thing is, whatever's before you, whatever tasks you've got before you There's a scripture in there for it everywhere, Simon, so use your use what the Lord has given you on your phone, use Google use whatever. I often do that, you know, yeah. Scripture, to deal with scripture fear with this fire, doubt comes up, they come up, thank God for that.

Reverend Ben Cooper:

Thank God for that. For that. That technology that we have that we as believers can go into that good old tin and that, click a few things and bang, I got the Scripture. It's amazing. You got it. There is no excuse. Now. Somebody is telling me what Scriptures and there'll be 10 scriptures, at least you know that God will take you to the one they'll take you to the one that gives you the freedom and your spirit and go wow, God, I will give you every place that you set your foot. So there is clear instruction that when I come under obedient under obedience, I will be in His will and His world was already carved out for us. He says I'll give you every place that you set your foot as I promised Moses, your territory. Do you know what you landowners you own territory. You don't need you don't need the government to tell you through all these different measures what you own you know God owns the world you know we are so restricted that we own a certain footprint that we live on but God says this very clearly your territory will extend to the desert and the Lebanon. Do you know why he said that is because it was further than our eyes could see. It was beyond what you can see your territory is more than you think. Yeah, but you are boxing yourself in just your little tiny few square foot in your life but your territory is wherever the sole of your foot shall tread upon why? Because I'm calling you to greatness.

Simon Pinchbeck:

Do not look around Wow, look up my friend And let's just we'll just sort of finish Yeah, finished it because Crickey is 45 minutes again, we've Oh Lord. Just let me just read this out one more time. Only be strong and very courageous, very courageous. Be careful to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you will have success wherever you go. How are not commanded you be strong and courageous. Do not tremble or be dismayed. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Ben, what a promise to finish on a

Reverend Ben Cooper:

silence. The Word of God is sharper than a double edged sword. He you've been joining us, Simon pinchbeck and myself. #Christian straight talk. And the title of today's chat and ramble is courage to face difficult tasks. Coming out of the good old book of Joshua chapter one verse one through to nine. May God bless you and strengthen you, Simon. The Lord is good. Amen. Amen. God bless. We'll catch you soon.

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