Join Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck here at #ChristianStraightTalk, where they embark on an enlightening journey through Christianity's path and uncover the profound wisdom of following Jesus Christ, as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Get ready for candid and hard hitting conversations that bring faith to life."
#Christian Straight Talk - Keep your eyes on Jesus (#7 Fear)
Hello World, thank you for joining us here at #Christian Straight Talk speaking straight out of the barrel of truth, no holds barred not holding anything back. We believe God is moving in these last days. So thank you for joining. Simon Pinchbeck and myself, Reverend Ben Cooper, as we look at keeping your eyes on Jesus, not allowing fear to rule you. But, trust in in the Word of God, the God of Israel, the God of all creation, as they go into the Old Testament text of Psalm 93 And also, Psalm 121 They go to the book of Philippians chapter 2, v 12 The main subject that they speak about is, keep your eyes on Jesus, not on the world but the God of Israel, as the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 12 v 2 , keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and the perfecter of your faith. Thank you for joining us today here at # Christian. Straight Talk.