Join Reverend Ben Cooper and Simon Pinchbeck here at #ChristianStraightTalk, where they embark on an enlightening journey through Christianity's path and uncover the profound wisdom of following Jesus Christ, as revealed in the pages of the Bible. Get ready for candid and hard hitting conversations that bring faith to life."
#CST - It’s Not A 50-50 Partnership - Part 1 - (#CST153)
Simon & Ben
Ben and Simon jump on the mics get straight into the scripture exploring what God has to say,
It’s simple today. It really is. It has to be 100% Jesus, This has to be the only way for such a time as this complete surrender to the scripture allowing God to take charge, how does that make you feel? Does that frighten you, does that excite you or does it make you wanna run?
Biblical reference - 1 Peter 1 v13-16